Booklets | Look books are a great way to get your information out to customers & potential new customers about your company and your products. We have several bindery types available. Our booklet are digitally printed to provide detailed vibrant colors on most papers. We stock coated paper in Gloss and Silk finishes for the most detail. Partially recycled and recycled paper is also available for those eco minded customers.

We specialize in custom printed Booklets | Look Books, therefore you are not limited to a few standard sizes. But one reason for standard sizes is decrease production time by simplifying the work flow. While this may make it easier to standardize pricing we prefer not to limit your creativity. As a result we don’t offer online pricing. So please contact us when you are ready to start a new project, for pricing and check if a minor change in your specifications can result in better pricing without comprising your design.
Saddle-Stitched Booklets | Look Books
Saddle-Stitched booklets are printed 4 pages to a sheet, then folded in half and stapled in the center fold. These booklets get trimmed after they are printed so the pages closer to the center are actually smaller than the outer pages. That is why it is not recommended to make saddle-stitched booklets with more than 40 pages.
Perfect Bound Books & Look Books
Perfect Bound books & Look Books do look very much like a magazine, but it is not the same process. While perfect bound books make a great first impression they are not as durable as a magazine you fine at a news stand. If you press down hard while the book is open to try and make it lay flat it is likely to loosen some pages. But if your books have more than 40 pages this is a great professional way to bind you books. Less than 40 pages is possible but it does not have the clean square edge look of typical perfect bound books.
Wire Bound Books
Wire Bound Books are the most economical bindery method if you only need a few. They lay flat when open and are available in custom sizes up to 11″ on the bound edge. Wire bound books are available with thicker front & back covers or with clear covers. When you choose 28 lb. White Laser and there are no bleeds you can get small quantities the same day or next business day.